
Autologous Cultured Chondrocytes,Autolymphocyte Therapy Service Suppliers & Manufacturers

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Autologous Cultured Chondrocytes
Molecular Depot LLC, Genzyme Corporation

Autolymphocyte Therapy Service
Molecular Depot LLC, Cellcor, Inc.

Automatic Pathology Services
Molecular Depot LLC, NeuroRevolution, Inc., US Labs, more...

Molecular Depot LLC, Fortune Bio-Tech Ltd., Bharat Biocon Pvt. Ltd., more...

Molecular Depot LLC, Bharat Biocon Pvt. Ltd., Lakshmi Bio-Techs, more...

Molecular Depot LLC, K N Biotech Pvt. Ltd., Microbax (India) Limited

Aztreaonam (Sterile)
Molecular Depot LLC, Aurobindo Pharma Ltd.

Molecular Depot LLC, Ajay Bio-Tech (India) Ltd.

BACE polyclonal antibody
Molecular Depot LLC, Triple Point Biologics, Inc., ProSci Incorporated, more...

BACE2 polyclonal antibody
Molecular Depot LLC, Triple Point Biologics, Inc., ProSci Incorporated, more...

Bacillus Pantothenticus
Molecular Depot LLC, Ajay Bio-Tech (India) Ltd.

Bacillus Subtilis
Molecular Depot LLC, Microbial Discovery Group, LLC, Vakya Probiotics, more...

Bacillus Thuringiensis
Molecular Depot LLC, Microbial Discovery Group, LLC, Nath Biogene (I) Limited, more...

Bacillus Thuringiensis var. Kurstaki
Molecular Depot LLC, Dr. Rajan Laboratories

Bacterial Strain Construction Services
Molecular Depot LLC, MCLAB, Bangalore Genei

Bacteriostasis Fungistasis
Molecular Depot LLC, Mo Bio Laboratories, Inc., MicroMed Laboratories, more...

Bcl-Rambo Peptide
Molecular Depot LLC, ProSci Incorporated

Molecular Depot LLC, Ajay Bio-Tech (India) Ltd.

Beauveria Bassiana
Molecular Depot LLC, Troy Biosciences, Inc., Sun Agro Exports Co., more...

Molecular Depot LLC, Aurobindo Pharma Ltd.

Beta Carotene
Molecular Depot LLC, Maysa Gida San Ve Tic. A.S., ABL Biotechnologies Ltd.

Bio Compost
Molecular Depot LLC, NatureMill, Inc., GreeNeem

Bio Controls
Molecular Depot LLC, Biotech International Ltd., Polchem Hygiene Laboratories Pvt. Ltd, more...

Bio-Analytical Services
Molecular Depot LLC, Azopharma Drug Development Services, Bioanalytical Systems, Inc., more...

Bio-Fertilizers are natural fertilizers which are microbial inoculants of bacteria, algae, fungi alone or in combination and they augment the availability of nutrients to the plants. These broadly include the nitrogen fixers (symbiotic & nonsymbiotic bacteria), phosphate solubilizing fungi and bacteria & the mycorrhizal fungi that are capable of mobilizing nonlabile nutrients from soil & transporting them to & across plant roots. So far, emphasis has been given only to certain types of biofertilizers, such as Rhizobium, Azotobacter, Azospirillum and Phosphate solubilizing bacteria (PSB). Usually carrier materials, such as peat, lignite, peat soil, humus, wood charcoal or similar material favoring the growth of microorganisms is used. However, in practice a large variety of microbial inoculants are available and being used as biofertilizers. These include Azolla, Trichoderma, Frankia and Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhiza (VAM). A point to consider before using biofertilisers produced by commercial units is the issue of using microorganisms native to another area or region. It is possible to isolate the required species of microorganisms from a farm's soil and mass produce them. Besides allowing a better chance of survival of the organism(s) used, this ensures that local species of microorganisms alone are used. There are a few crude (but fairly effective), as well as standard laboratory procedures for isolation and mass production of biofertilisers.
Molecular Depot LLC, Westbridge Agricultural Products, Zydex Inc., more...

Bio-Fertilizers, Azospirillum Other Crops
Molecular Depot LLC, Biotech International Ltd., International Panacea Limited, more...

Bio-Fertilizers, Azospirillum Paddy
Molecular Depot LLC, Arnichem Corporation, Madras Fertilizers Limited

Bio-Fertilizers, Azospirillum Plantation Crops
Molecular Depot LLC, Biotech International Ltd., Madras Fertilizers Limited

Bio-fertilizers, Metarhizium Anisopilae
Molecular Depot LLC, Dr. Rajan Laboratories

Bio-Fertilizers, Phospho Bacteria For All Crops
Molecular Depot LLC, Gujarat State Fertilizers & Chemicals Limited, Madras Fertilizers Limited

Bio-Fertilizers, Rhizobium Groundnut
Molecular Depot LLC, Madras Fertilizers Limited

Bio-Fertilizers, Rhizobium Pulses
Molecular Depot LLC, Bharat Biocon Pvt. Ltd., Gujarat State Fertilizers & Chemicals Limited, more...

Biopesticides are types of pesticides derived from natural materials, such as microbes, principally viruses, bacteria and fungi. The biopesticide that is registered for use in West Africa derives from a fungus that is a specific pathogen of locusts and grasshoppers. It specifically targets those insects and does not affect non-target organisms. Biological control is an important component of integrated pest and pathogen management. Endophyticmicrobes, fungi, bacteria, nematodes, viruses, plant-derived compounds are all identified & characterized for use as biocontrol agents against a wide range of pathogens and pests attacking various crops. Biopesticides developed and currently made commercially available in collaborative projects with the private sector include, Biocanii, based on a strain of the fungus Verticillium lecanii for the control of whiteflies & thrips on flowers, beans, avocado, cotton, onion, citrus, asparagus, papaya, tomatoes & other horticultural crops, Biorhizium, based on two strains of the fungus Metarhizium anisopliae for the control of various insects, such as spittlebugs in pastures, Biovirus, based on a baculovirus & used for the control of cassava hornworm & Ecoswing®,.a biofungicide formulated from extracts of the plant swinglia (Swinglia glutinosa).
Molecular Depot LLC, Westbridge Agricultural Products, Aquafix, Inc., more...

Bioadherent Oral Gel
Molecular Depot LLC, OSI Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

Bioassay And Biopotency Determinations
Molecular Depot LLC, Covance Biotechnology Services, Inc.

Bioburden Testing Services
Molecular Depot LLC, Microtest Laboratories, Inc., Mo Bio Laboratories, Inc., more...

Biocatalysis, bioprocessing & biotransformations involve the use of enzymes (often immobilized) and/or microorganisms (often immobilized whole cells) to perform chemical conversions. The enzymes are not reagents, but rather catalysis (biocatalysts performing highly focused biotransformations, but not consumed in the reaction). However, like all catalysts, there are stability issues that must be addressed for the biocatalytic process for it to be commercially sensible. Many synthetic organic chemists would like enzymes to be simple off-the-shelf catalysts that can be used painlessly to perform desired organic transformations. Applied biotransformations & biocatalysis are becoming more and more prevalent in the synthesis of fine chemicals & pharmaceuticals, as an efficient replacement for certain key reaction steps. Most important are pharmaceutical applications. There, the use of enzymes to catalyze stereospecific & regiospecific organic reactions is incredibly valuable due to potentially high degrees of selectivity and yield effected by enzymes. Another tremendous benefit is that the formation of side products can be significantly lessened.
Molecular Depot LLC, Clea Technologies B.V., IMEnz Bioengineering BV, more...

Biocompost Services
Molecular Depot LLC, Prithvi Biotech, Inc.

Bioequivalency Studies
Molecular Depot LLC, Covance Biotechnology Services, Inc.

Molecular Depot LLC, Chematur Engineering AB, GreenField Ethanol Inc.

Biofertiliser, Azospirillum
Biofertilizer is defined as a product containing carrier based (solid or liquid) living micro-organisms which are agriculturally useful in terms of nitrogen fixation, phosphorus solubilization or nutrient mobilization, so as to increase the productivity of the soil and/or the crop. These broadly include the nitrogen fixers (symbiotic and nonsymbiotic bacteria), phosphate solubilizing fungi & bacteria & the mycorrhizal fungi that are capable of mobilizing nonlabile nutrients from soil & transporting them to and across plant roots. Azospirillum species do not form root nodules or associate with leguminous crops. They live inside plant roots where they fix nitrogen, and can be used in wetland conditions. This group of microorganisms also produce beneficial substances for plant growth, besides fixing atmospheric nitrogen. Azospirillum does well in soils with organic matter & moisture content, and requires a pH level of above 6.0. Azospirillium led to saving of 15-25 kg equivalent of N2 per hectare.
Molecular Depot LLC, SKS Bioproducts, Bharat Biocon Pvt. Ltd., more...

Molecular Depot LLC, ArborGen, LLC, SciClips, LLC, more...

Molecular Depot LLC, Ivanpah Minerals, LLC., Greenland Bio-Science, more...

Molecular Depot LLC, AgraQuest, Inc., Soil Technologies Corp., more...

Molecular Depot LLC, FMC Corporation, Rincon-Vitova Insectaries, more...

Biological compatibility Consulting Services
Molecular Depot LLC, Concentric Inc., ReachBio LLC, more...

Biological Control Of Pests
Molecular Depot LLC, IPM Laboratories, Inc., Russell IPM, more...

Biological Fungicide
Molecular Depot LLC, Radar Bio-Tech, Gujarat State Fertilizers & Chemicals Limited, more...

Biological Insecticides
Molecular Depot LLC, FMC Corporation, Valent BioSciences Corporation, more...

Biological Nematicide
Molecular Depot LLC, Valent BioSciences Corporation

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