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Address: 172 Linden Drive, Suite 101, Winchester, Virginia 22601, USA
www.biochemed.com |
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Phone: +1-(540)-667-3348
Biochemed Services, Inc. provides blood and tissue products for pharmaceutical testing & manufacturing applications. We specialize in offering biological matrices including blood products such as anim
Address: 2000 Mallory Lane, Suite 130-66, Franklin, USA
www.abbiosci.com |
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Phone: +1-(615)-3979545
ABBIOSCI Inc. specializes in the production, detection and characterization of multi-format antibodies (MFAbs) for research, diagnostic, and therapeutic applications. MFAbs includes polyclonal antibod
Address: 707 N. Shoreline Blvd, Mountain View, California 94043, USA
www.combinix.com |
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Phone: +1-(650)-625-0234
Combinix, Inc. specializes in providing analytical services. We offer mass spectrometry, HPLC, and polarimetry services. We also provide repair services for mass spectrometers.
Address: 150 Lucius Gordon Drive, West Henrietta, New York 14586, USA
www.diffinitygenomics.com |
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Phone: +1-(877)-362-1812
Diffinity Genomics, Inc. specializes in providing single use disposable products for research applications. We offer DNA extraction, purification, and molecular diagnostics services. Our Diffinity Rap
Address: 3915 Research Park, Drive Suite A-4, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48108, USA
www.permselect.com |
Phone: +1-(734)-769.1066
MedArray, Inc. offers gas transfer membranes for liquid contacting and gas separation processes. Our PermSelect® silicone membrane modules use silicone hollow fibers with gas transfer properties.
Address: 701 Ellicott Street, Suite 203, Buffalo, New York 14203, USA
www.empiregenomics.com |
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Phone: +1-(800)-715-5880
Empire Genomics provides microarrays and fluorescence in situ hybridization probes. Our human Accuarray™ provides a high resolution platform for CGH-based analysis of the entire human genome. It
Address: 135 Enterprise Court, Corona, California 92882, USA
www.peticleanair.com |
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Phone: +1-(951)-582.9306
Pacific Environmental Technologies, Inc. provides cleanrooms, cold & freezer storage rooms and cleanroom components. Our modular clean isolator system has a structural frame. Our isolator system can b
Address: 1915 Aston Ave., Carlsbad, California 92008, USA
www.labarchives.com |
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Phone: +1-(760)-579-0342
LabArchives, LLC. specialzies in providing electronic laboratory notebooks. Our laboratory notebook is a web-based product, which enables researchers to store, organize and publish their research data
Address: P.O. Box #383, Newburyport, Massachusetts 01950, USA
microopticalsolutions.com |
Phone: +1-(978)-255-2220
Micro Optical Solutions LLC specializes in providing biological microscopes. Our microscope slide scanning service is used for fluorescence applications. Custom software is included in the scanning se
Address: 6603 Teal Loop, Frederick, Maryland 21703, USA
www.varniss.com |
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Phone: +1-(301)-401.2356
Varniss, LLC develops and manufactures animal-free biotechnology reagents. Our orange G dye glycerol sample gel loading buffers contain tris buffer, negatively charged leader dyes for visual tracking
Address: 145 Rome Street, Farmingdale, New York 11735, USA
www.sonaer.com |
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Phone: +1-(631)-756-4780
Sonaer Inc. manufactures ultrasonic equipment for specialized processes and research. Our flow through atomizer nozzles make fine sprays from solutions without air pressure for precise coatings. Other
Address: 74804 Joni Drive Suite 10, Palm Desert, California 92260, USA
www.jitlab.com |
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Phone: +1-(760)-568-5126
JIT Lab Supply specializes in providing biological equipment. Our products include benthic samplers, botanical archiving products, entomological storage supplies and sediment dredges. We also offer ce
Address: 2900 72nd Street North, St. Petersburg, Florida 33710, USA
www.lifesci.com |
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Phone: +1-(727)-345-9371
Life Sciences Advanced Technologies, Inc. provides AMV reverse transcriptase. We also offer nucleic acid-modifying enzymes, enzymes & reagent mixes for NASBA & other isothermal amplification procedure
Address: P.O.Box 871,, Mebane, North Carolina 27302, USA
www.proteinconsulting.com |
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Phone: +1-(919)-304-4752
Protein Consulting is specialized in design and construction of expression vectors directing the synthesis of recombinant proteins. We provide protein sequence analysis and optimization, substitution
Address: POB 34325, Reno, Nevada 89533, USA
https://biophoretics.com |
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Phone: +1-(800)-691-6461
Biophoretics, Inc. is a distributor of high value laboratory instruments, reagents and bio-informatics analytical software for protein and molecular biology applications. Companies representated inclu
Address: 460 Park Avenue South 10th Floor, New York, New York 10016, USA
www.heartbeatexperts.com |
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Phone: +1-(212)-941 9041
Heartbeat Experts offers software, data, analytics and consulting services for life science companies. Our influence mapping solution helps life sciences companies visualize social and professional ne
Address: 4062 Fabian Way, Suite 4, Palo Alto, California 94303, USA
www.FormuMax.com |
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Phone: +1-(650)-856-7948
FormuMax Scientific, Inc. offers preformed liposome reagents to research organizations who are involved in drug delivery using liposomes. A large number of common lipid compositions are available. All
Address: 46701 N. Commerce Center Dr. Suite A8, Plymouth, Michigan 48170, USA
www.velescopharma.com |
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Phone: +1-(734)-527-9124
Velesco Pharmaceutical Services is specialized in analytical method development, drug formulation, GMP manufacturing and pharmaceutical consulting. We are engaged in nimble, just-in-time cGMP drug pro
Address: 600 N.E. Third Avenue, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33304-2618, USA
www.immunositetechnologies.com |
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Phone: +1-(954)-462-6800
ImmunoSite Technologies, LLC is a GLP-compliant organization that provides services to standardize and automate immune monitoring clinical research assays, and high quality particle testing services.
Address: 616 Corporate Way, Suite 2 #3989, Valley Cottage, New York 10989-2050, USA
www.reprokine.com |
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Phone: +1-(877)-610-3988
Reprokine Ltd. focuses on development, manufacturing and marketing of immune reagents, E.coli and mammalian derived recombinant cytokines, growth factors, and labeled antibody products. We deal with r
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