 Cattle LEP(Leptin) ELISA Kit Suppliers > Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc.

Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc.

Address: 6000 James Watson Dr., Hercules, California 94547, USA
Phone: +001-(510)-741-6715 | Fax: +001-(510)-741-5808 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. offers products for life science research, clinical diagnostics, informatics/sadler, process separation and food/animal/nvironmental testing. We offer affinity purification systems, chromatography systems & instruments, chromatography columns, chromatography standards, chromatography media, nucleic acid delivery systems & reagents, imaging systems & software, fluorometry, spectrophotometry, and protein assay kits. We also deliver ion exchange standards, organic acid standard, carbohydrate standard, gel filtration standard, hydrophobic interaction standard, analytical prepacked columns, preparative prepacked columns and empty columns.

101 to 200 of 316 Products/Services (Click for related suppliers)  Page: << Previous 100 Results 1 [2] 3 4 >> Next 100 Results
• Gel Dryer Aids• Gel Dryers• Gel Dryers Aids
• Gel Drying Frames• Gel Lab Devices• Gel Loading Pipette Tips
• Gel Purification Kits• Gelatin• General Bioinformatics
• Genotyping Instruments• Glycine• Gradient Makers
• Gradient Mixers• H20 (DEPC)• H20 (Proteomics Grade)
• High Throughput Multi Well Electroporators• Hot Start Polymerase• HPLC Pumps
• HPLC Systems• HT ADME Screening• Human Microsphere Assay Kits
• Hydrophobic Interaction Standards• Hydroxyapatite Media• Hydroxyapatite Media
• Imaging System Aids• In line Mixers• Injection Valve
• Ion Exchange Protein Standards• Ion Exchange Resins• Ion moderated Partition HPLC Columns
• IPTG• Isoelectric Focusing Cells• Isoelectric Focusing Systems
• LabchipAndreg Instrument Software• LabChipAndreg Instruments• Laboratory Incubators (Non Carbon Dioxide )
• Laser Based Fluorescence Imaging• Library Screening Services• Liposomal Transfection Reagent
• Low Pressure Chromatography Systems• Lysis Buffers• Medical Data Management
• Melting Profile Software• Metal Chelating Resins• Microarray Analysis Software
• Microarray Hybridization Chambers• Microarray Processing• Microarray Scanner Software
• Microarray Scanners• Microcentrifuge Tubes• Microcentrifuge Tubes (Capless)
• Microcentrifuge Tubes (Screw Cap)• Microcentrifuge Tubes (Snap Cap)• Microcentrifuges
• Microinjector Aids• Microinjectors• Micromanipulators (Motorized)
• Microplate PCR Purification Kits• Microplate Plasmid Purification Kits• Microplate Racks
• Microplate Reader Aids• Microplate Reader Aids (Bio Rad)• Microplate Reader Software
• Microplate Readers• Microplate Spectrophotometers• Microplate Total RNA Isolation Kits
• Microplate Washers• Microscope Adapters• Microtube Racks
• Microtube Racks (96 well)• Milk Blockers• Mini Electrophoresis Media
• Miscellaneous Lab Devices Aids• Miscellaneous Reagents For Microsphere Analysis• Mixed Mode Columns
• Molecular Weight Markers, DNA• Molecular Weight Markers, Protein• Mouse Isotyping Kits
• Multi Mode Monitor Aids• Multi Mode Monitors• Multi Use CCD Imaging
• Multiplex Assay System Calibration Plates• Multiplex Assay System Software• Multiplex Assay Systems
• Multiplex Human Cytokine Assay Kits• Multiplex Mouse Cytokine Assay Kits• Multiplex Rat Cytokine Assay Kits
• Multiplex System Calibration Kits• Murine Microsphere Assay Kits• Mutation Detection Kits
• New Drug Discovery• Nitrocellulose Discs• Nitrocellulose Filter Paper Sandwiches
• Nitrocellulose Membrane• Nitrocellulose Rolls• Nitrocellulose Sheets
• Nylon Blotting Rolls (charged)• Nylon Blotting Sheets (charged)• Nylon Blotting Sheets (uncharged)
• Organic Acid Analysis Kits

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