 Cattle LEP(Leptin) ELISA Kit Suppliers > Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc.

Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc.

Address: 6000 James Watson Dr., Hercules, California 94547, USA
Phone: +001-(510)-741-6715 | Fax: +001-(510)-741-5808 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. offers products for life science research, clinical diagnostics, informatics/sadler, process separation and food/animal/nvironmental testing. We offer affinity purification systems, chromatography systems & instruments, chromatography columns, chromatography standards, chromatography media, nucleic acid delivery systems & reagents, imaging systems & software, fluorometry, spectrophotometry, and protein assay kits. We also deliver ion exchange standards, organic acid standard, carbohydrate standard, gel filtration standard, hydrophobic interaction standard, analytical prepacked columns, preparative prepacked columns and empty columns.

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• PCR Capping Tools• PCR Hoods• PCR Tube Trays
• Peristaltic Pumps• Peroxidase Substrates (ABTS)• Peroxidase Substrates (Chemiluminescent)
• Peroxidase Substrates (CN)• Peroxidase Substrates (DAB)• Peroxidase Substrates (TMB)
• Personal Microcentrifuges• pH Electrodes• pH Monitors
• Phosphate Buffered Saline (PBS) (Solution)• Phosphoprotein Detection Kits• Phosphoprotein Microsphere Assay Kits
• Phosphor Imaging Systems• Pickers Arrayers• Plastic Cuvettes
• Plate Washers• Polaroid Camera Hoods & UV Shields• Power Supplies
• Precast Gels, Acrylamide• Precast Gels, Agarose• Precast Gels, Polyacrylamide
• Preparative 2D Electrophoresis Devices• Preparative Lab Devices Aids• Primer Analysis / Design
• Printers• Protein A HRP• Protein Extraction Kits
• Protein G Fluorophores• Protein G HRP• Protein LabChipAndreg Kits
• Protein Quantitation Kits• Protein Quantitation Reagents• Protein Quantitation Standards
• Proteinase K• Pulse Field Lab Devices• PVDF Blotting Rolls
• PVDF Blotting Sheets• PVDF Filter Paper Sandwiches• PVDF Membrane
• Real Time PCR Thermal Cycler (Thermocyclers)• Real Time RT PCR Kits• Red Blood Cell Lysis Buffers
• RNA Gel Stains• RNA LabChipAndreg Kits• RNase A
• Rocking Shakers• RT-PCR• Salt Solutions, TBS
• Sample Loops• Scientific Databases Management• Scientific Word Processing
• Sequencing Lab Devices• Serum Diluents For Microsphere Analysis• Serum Protein Purification Kits
• Silver Staining Kits• siRNA Transfection Reagents• Size Exclusion Gravity Columns
• Size Exclusion Spin Columns• Slide Hybridization• Slide Sealing Reagent
• Spectral Analyser• Spectrophotometer Software Bio Rad• Spectrophotometers
• Spectroscopes• ß galactosidase Assay Kits• ß glucuronidase Assay Kits
• Standard Reagent Reservoirs• Storage Polypropylene Tubes• Storage Racks
• Structural Analyser• Supported Nitrocellulose Rolls• Supported Nitrocellulose Sheets
• Switching Valves• Sypro Orange Stains• SYPROAndreg Protein Blotting Stains
• SYPROAndreg Ruby Protein Stain• T4 DNA Polymerase• TAE Buffer
• Test Tube Cap Strips• Thermal Cycler (Thermocyclers)• Thermal Cycler Aid
• Thermal Cycler Blocks• Thermal Cycler Softwares• Thermal Cyclers
• Thermal Printer Paper• Thermometers• Total Target Microsphere Assay Kits
• Transfection Kits• Transfection Optimization Kits• Transfer Buffers
• Transformation Systems• Tricine• Tris Glycine Buffers
• Tris Tricine• Triton X 100• Tween 20
• Two-Dimensional Devices

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