Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Marketing - Google, MSN, Yahoo, Lycos, AOL What is SEO? The FTC strongly urges search engine providers to distinguish organic/natural search results and paid placements. The rank/order in which websites appear in the natural results (~70% of the search engine traffic) is based on spidering, indexing and application of highly sophisticated relevancy algorithms by these engines. If your website is not appearing in the top 2-3 pages of search engine queries, substantial buyer traffic is going to your competitors!

Just as location is crucial in a brick & mortar operation, mere Internet presence with your website, however great the content may be is worthless, unless traffic can be attracted to that website by making it prominent. Copywriting the website content to make it search engine friendly and rank high is generally termed as SEO or Search Engine Optimization.

Results of our SEO: Search engines continue to reward BiosciRegister's ability to expose useful content through clean search engine optimization techniques by returning our website in the top 2 pages for organic search engine queries of over 24,000 industry specific keywords in our product categorization & supplier profiles! Our live search engine referral feed is honest & dramatic proof.

Listing in an authority portal such as our biotechnology and life sciences industry supplier directory is an easy way to achieving prominence for your company, This is an instant, economical and incredibly easy compliment/replacement for search engine optimization of your own website which can cost thousands of dollars, legwork for link popularity establishment, modifications of your current website and headaches of continued maintenance and monitoring of your website for search engine friendliness.

Our Content: Our biotechnology and life sciences industry directory is dedicated to providing rich content by exposing over 4,000 vendors in the biotechnology and life sciences industry through a comprehensive and intuitive copyrighted categorization of 30,000 products. Buyers & Sellers enjoy the rich user experience of an award-winning site.

Buyer services are always cost FREE with no annoying registration. Intuitive navigation and powerful find capabilities are elegantly exposed through a clutter free design with no popups or intrusive advertisements. Suppliers can modify their listing and monitor the click-through performance by signing-in online at any time.

Our Clean SEO techniques: We design every one of our 34,000 content pages to make them search engine crawler friendly. We copywrite every page and follow clean techniques such as the following:

  • Accurate usage of keyword density & frequency
  • Highly optimized reduction of HTML mark-up using CSS
  • Minimal usage of graphics
  • Precise titles & metadata
  • Active and sustained link popularity campaign
  • Simple yet powerful link structures for navigation
  • Static links and/or 301 permanent redirects to supplier websites

This renders us as an authority and expert industrial directory with dramatic prominence and high rankings in Google, Yahoo & Bing.

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Did you know? ~80% of the 30,000 products categorized in BiosciRegister appear in the top 20 ranks of major search engines such as Google, Yahoo, Bing and more!

~37,500 potential buyers visit every month, with ~2,500 referrals every day just from search engines!

Please Note: All submissions are reviewed by our biotech expert for accuracy and relevance. We list only biotechnology and life sciences industry specific companies and we retain the right to edit or delete listings.
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