To help accomplish our mission of building the most sophisticated online biotechnology and life sciences industries buyer's guide, our supplier database is located in a comprehensive hierarchical categorization tree. The nodes of the tree are formed by more than 5,000 categories and over 30,000 products offered by the suppliers, who occupy the leaves of the tree.
Most of our buyers find it convenient to locate the biotechnology and life sciences industry suppliers, manufacturers and vendors in our database by directly searching either from external engines such as Google or through our internal search interface. However, you can also start browsing from the root of the tree at the home page, denoted by the top-level categories and drill down to the product level and finally, when you click on any of the products, the suppliers for that product are listed. One good tip to realize that you have reached the product level while browsing is the visual cue that products are green and the suppliers are Blue.
To further enrich the user experience while browsing, a navigation hyperlink bar is displayed at the top and bottom of the page, guiding you to either explore categories or to view a complete list of all suppliers at any level of the current context.
Example figure showing browse at Immunochemicals > Primary Antibodies context.