Address: 16 Albert Street, Auburn, Massachusetts 01501, USA
www.pi-usa.us |
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Phone: +001-(508)-832-3456
Physik Instrumente designs and manufactures nanometer-level motion control products, piezo ceramics and nanoactuators, hexapod 6DOF positioning systems & micro robots. We offer piezo actuators, motion
Address: 384 Tulane Rd., Hernando, Mississippi 38632, USA
www.reliablescientific.com |
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Phone: +001-(800)-626-2334
Reliable Scientific manufactures shaker for staining/destaining gels, immunoblotting hybridization to 65º C, tissue culture, washing filters and rocking test tubes. We offer single platform shakers, d
Address: 68 Elm St, Hopkinton, Massachusetts 01748, USA
www.caliperls.com |
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Phone: +001-(508)-435-9500
Caliper Life Sciences, Inc. combines microfluidics, liquid handling and laboratory automation to deliver unique research tools for drug discovery & development and genomics & proteomics laboratories.
Address: 400 Logue Avenue, Mountain View, California 94043, USA
www.arctur.com |
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Phone: +001-(650)-962-3020
Arcturus Boscience, Inc. deals with laser capture microdissection (LCM) and reagent systems for microgenomics. We offer Arcturus XT microdissection system, veritas laser capture microdissection LCM &
Address: 3880 Park Avenue, Edison, New Jersey 08820-3097, USA
www.jyinc.com |
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Phone: +001-(800)-562-4698
Horiba Jobin Yvon manufactures scientific instruments and components for life sciences, optoelectronics, semiconductors, pharmaceuticals, forensics, environmental, & petrochemicals. We offer atomic em
Address: 3477 Corporate Parkway, Suite #200, Center Valley, Pennsylvania 18034, USA
www.avantormaterials.com |
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Phone: +1-(855)-282-6867
Avantor Performance Materials, Inc. manufactures and markets high-performance materials under several brand names, including J.T.Baker®, Macron™, Rankem™ and Diagnova™. Our produ
Address: 9 Ash St., PO Box 840, Hollis, New Hampshire 03049, USA
www.optomax.com |
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Phone: +001-(603)-465-3385
Optomax develops scientific instruments. Our products include Sorcerer colony counter, Sorcerer image analysis system, SpeckCheck scanner based analysis system and hardware accessories. Our Sorcerer c
Address: 200 West Mercer Street, Suite 500, Seattle, Washington 98119-3995, USA
www.vizxlabs.com |
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Phone: +001-(206)-283-4363
VizX Labs is a bioinformatics company focused on the development of software and systems for biological research. We develop systems for data acquisition, management and for analysis of molecular biol
Address: 18211 Chisholm Tr Ste 300, Houston, Texas 77060, USA
www.lplc.com |
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Phone: +001-(800)-459-9700
Spectrum Chromatography manufactures a complete line of instruments, columns, and accessories for low-pressure liquid chromatography. We develop the Glenco line of laboratory syringes and the double-a
Address: 8948 Beckett Road, West Chester, Ohio 45069, USA
www.diapharma.com |
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Phone: +001-(800)-526-5224
DiaPharma Group, Inc. supplies test kits, bioreagents, chromogenic substrates, antibodies & instruments in the fields of thrombosis & hemostasis (coagulation and fibrinolysis), and apoptosis. We offer
Address: 950 Peninsula Corporate Circle, Suite 1025, Boca Raton, Florida 33487, USA
www.bocascientific.com |
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Phone: +001-(866)-227-6335
Boca Scientific Inc. offers a wide range of biotechnology products. We offer products for mycoplasma detection & elimination, transfection/magnetofection, PCR PreMix kits, buccal swabs/DNA extraction,
Address: 625 West Katella Avenue, Suite 30, Orange, California 92867-4619, USA
www.zymoresearch.com |
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Phone: +001-(888)-882-9682
Zymo Research Corp. develops & supplies tools for ultra-pure nucleic acid purification. We offer products for DNA clean-up & concentration, gel DNA recovery, genomic DNA purification, plasmid DNA puri
Address: P.O. Box 856, Del Mar, California 92014, USA
www.cbssci.com |
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Phone: +001-(800)-243-4959
CBS Scientific Company, Inc. manufactures electrophoresis equipment and scientific instruments. We offer vertical electrophoresis equipment, horizontal precast gels and PCR workstation. We also offer
Address: 6483 Calle Real, Suite A, Santa Barbara, California 93117, USA
www.qmlabs.com |
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Phone: +001-(805)-681-3200
QualTek Molecular Laboratories specializes in custom immunohistochemistry, immunocytochemistry, and in situ hybridization. We are also specialized in developing optimal protocols for antibody and prob
Address: 645 N Mary Avenue, Sunnyvale, California 94085, USA
www.turnerbiosystems.com |
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Phone: +001-(408)-636-2400, 888-636-2401
Turner BioSystems Inc. offers luminometers, fluorometers, photometers, and multimode readers for life science researchers. We are an ISO 13485 certified company. We offer modulus II microplate multimo
Address: 308 Ridgefield Court, Asheville, North Carolina 28806, USA
www.kendro.com |
Phone: +001-(828)-658-2711
Kendro Laboratory Products offers analytical instruments, lab equipment and industrial equipment. We offer asphalt & aggregate testing equipment, equipment for bulk weighing & monitoring, checkweighin
Address: 2511 Daimler St., Santa Ana, California 92705-5588, USA
www.irvinesci.com |
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Phone: +001-(800)-577-6097
Irvine Scientific offers products for tissue culture, diagnostics, and biopharmaceutical markets. We are an ISO 13485:2003 certified company. We offer serum-free media, protein hydrolysates, feed medi
Address: 141 N. Elliott Road, Newberg, Oregon 97132, USA
www.icllab.com |
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Phone: +001-(503)-538-5869
Immunology Consultants Laboratory Inc. provides antibodies, antibody conjugates, reference standards and immunoassays. We offer animal proteins, ELISA kits, human proteins, epitope tags, isotype contr
Address: 2120 W. Greenview Drive, Ste 9, Middleton, Wisconsin 53562, USA
www.lucigen.com |
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Phone: +001-(888)-575-9695
Lucigen Corporation supplies advanced molecular biology reagents and systems as well as related custom services. We offer cloning systems, competent cells, DNA amplification, DNA end repair, enzymes,
Address: 6143 North 60th St., Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53218, USA
www.chimerx.com |
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Phone: +1-(414)-535-9506
Chimerx provides molecular weight markers, DNA purification systems, ligases, polymerases, RNA purification systems, and reverse transcriptases. Our DNA modifying and related proteins include alkaline