Profile: r2 Diagnostics Inc. is a manufacturer and distributor of hemostasis products for the clinical coagulation laboratory. We are an FDA 21CFR820 registered and an ISO 13485 certified company. Among our reagents and controls, we currently manufacture a low ISI, liquid thromboplastin (Phosphoplastin RL), a heparin and lupus sensitive APTT (Phospholin ES), a robust protein S kit with 24 hour reconstituted stability (ThromboTek PSe), a kaolin activated KCT suitable for automated coagulometers (LupoTek KCT), venom based screen & confirm reagents for LA (LupoTek Detectin VL and LupoTek Correctin VL), and thrombin time (T-Tek). Phosphoplastin RL is intended for use in the one-stage Prothrombin Time (PT) test, and in PT based hemostasis assays. The PT can be used to screen for coagulopathies, for extrinsic factor assays, and for therapeutic monitoring of Warfarin and related drugs.