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BIOTECHNOLOGY AND LIFE SCIENCES products beginning with : G
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Gene Therapy Mediums (3 suppliers)
Gene Therapy, Vector Biodistribution (2 suppliers)
Gene Tools Analysis Software (2 suppliers)
Gene Walking PCR Kits (4 suppliers)
Gene Walking Services (2 suppliers)
Gene-Based Therapeutic Drugs & Vaccines (4 suppliers)
Gene-Level RNA Expression Profiling (5 suppliers)
Gene-Specific Cell Immortization (Myc, p53, Rb, Ras) (2 suppliers)
GeneDirectory Database Software (2 suppliers)
GENEFLO 1000 DNA ROX (2 suppliers)
GENEFLO 625 DNA Ladder ROX (2 suppliers)
GENEFLO 625 DNA Ladder TAMRA (2 suppliers)
GenEluteT Endotoxin-free Plasmid Midiprep Kit (2 suppliers)
GenEluteT Mammalian Total RNA Miniprep Kit (2 suppliers)
GenEluteT mRNA Miniprep Kit (2 suppliers)
General Assay Diluent for Serum & Plasma Samples (4 suppliers)
General Bioinformatics (79 suppliers)
Bioinformatics is the use of mathematical, statistical and computer methods to analyze biological, biochemical & biophysical data. Because bioinformatics is a young, rapidly evolving field, however, it also has a number of other credible definitions. It can also be defined as the science and technology of learning, managing & processing biological information. Bioinformatics is often focussed on obtaining biologically oriented data, organizing this information into databases, developing methods to get useful information from such databases, and devising methods to integrate related data from disparate sources. The computer databases and algorithms are developed to speed up & enhance biological research. Bioinformatics can help answer such questions as whether a newly analyzed gene is similar to any previously known gene, whether a protein's sequence can suggest how the protein functions, and whether the genes turned on in a cancer cell are different from those turned on in a healthy cell
General Molecular & Cell Biology Reference Books (4 suppliers)
General PCR detection kit for Peste des ruminants virus (1 supplier)
General Purpose 3-D Rotators (2 suppliers)
General Purpose Water Baths (5 suppliers)
Generating Focused Library (2 suppliers)
Genes to Leadsr Service (2 suppliers)
GeneScribeT T7 RNA Probe Kit (2 suppliers)
GeneTailorT Site-Directed Mutagenesis System (2 suppliers)
Genetic Analysis System (3 suppliers)
Genetic Analyzer Kits (2 suppliers)
Genetic Cancer Testing (2 suppliers)
Genetic Diagnostics (3 suppliers)
Genetic Snapshot (2 suppliers)
Genetic stability testing (3 suppliers)
Genetic Testing (14 suppliers)
Genetically Modified Mice (2 suppliers)
Genetically Modified Rat (2 suppliers)
Genetically Modified Seeds (18 suppliers)
Geninthiocin (14-Demethylberinamycin) (1 supplier)
Genistein (1 supplier)
Genistein, Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor (3 suppliers)
Gennet, Internet Based Platform (2 suppliers)
GenoExplorerT microRNA Chips (2 suppliers)
GenoExplorerT microRNA Labeling Kit (2 suppliers)
GenoExplorerT microRNA Probe Set (2 suppliers)
Genome Analysis (4 suppliers)
Genome Sequencer Instruments (2 suppliers)
Genomic DNA (22 suppliers)
Genomic DNA (15 suppliers)
Genomic DNA (Bacteria Except EColi) (4 suppliers)
Genomic DNA (Bovine) (3 suppliers)
Genomic DNA (c elegans) (2 suppliers)
Genomic DNA (Cat) (2 suppliers)
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