 Nano Positioning Equipment Suppliers > Scientific Support, Inc.

Scientific Support, Inc.

Contact: Gene Voloshko - Manager
Address: 23449 Foley Street, Hayward, California 94545, USA
Phone: +1-(510)-783-1127, 877-831-5580 | Fax: +1-(510)-783-1168 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: Scientific Support, Inc. provides new and refurbished used equipment for chemical, analytical, biotech, and semiconductor laboratory. We offer products that include dry bath, conductivity meter, solvent recycler, DNA separation unit, ultrasonic cleaner, microscope illuminator, refrigerating centrifuge, spectrophotometer, microplate reader, rotary evaporator, sequencing gel electrophoresis system, column heater, pH meter, liquid transfer system, absorbance detector, fluid dispenser and vacuum diaphragm pump. We offer individualized service and technical support for our products. Our Dionex DX-500 ion chromatograph is a complete, ready to use ion chromatography system. It includes IP20 isocratic pump, CD20 conductivity detector and LC20 chromatograph enclosure. Our Packard 9200 hydrogen generator offers maximum flow rate of 250 cc/min with 99.9995% hydrogen purity. This generator requires only water and electricity to operate.

101 to 200 of 304 Products/Services (Click for related suppliers)  Page: << Previous 100 Results 1 [2] 3 4 >> Next 100 Results
• Caspase-4 Substrate II, Fluorogenic• Caspase-5 Inhibitor I• Caspase-5 Substrate II, Fluorogenic
• Caspase-6 Inhibitor II, Cell-Permeable• Caspase-6 Substrate I, Fluorogenic• Caspase-6 Substrate II, Colorimetric
• Caspase-6 Substrate III, Fluorogenic• Caspase-7 Substrate I, Fluorogenic• Caspase-8 Inhibitor I, Cell-Permeable
• Caspase-8 Inhibitor II• Caspase-9 Inhibitor I• Caspase-9 Inhibitor II, Cell-Permeable
• Caspase-9 Substrate I, Fluorogenic• Caspase-9 Substrate II, Colorimetric• Centrifuge Rotors
• Centrifuges, Benchtop• Centrifuges, General Purpose• Centrifuges, Micro
• Centrifuges, Refrigerated• Chart Recorders• Chilling/Heating Dry Baths
• Chromatography Oven• Chromatography Syringe Pumps• Colony Counters
• Column Chillers / Heaters• Column Heaters• Conductivity Detectors
• Conventional PCR Thermal Cyclers• Coulomatic Titrimeter• Density Gradient System
• Diaphragm Pumps• Digital Dry Baths• Diode Array UV-Vis Spectrophotometer
• Dispensers, Automated, Bottle-top• DNA Electrophoresis System• Dry Bath Incubator
• Dual Syringe Infusion Pumps• Dual Syringe Pumps (Infusion Withdrawal)• Electrochemical Detectors
• Electronic Pipettes• Electronic Variable Volume Pipette• Electrophoresis Continuous Apparatus
• Evaporators• Fiber Optics Illuminators• Flow Meters
• Fluorescence Detectors• Formyl Peptide Receptor-Like 1 Antagonist, WRW4• Fraction Collectors
• Fraction Collectors• FT Infra Red Spectrometer Softwares (PerkinElmer)• G-Secretase Inhibitor I
• G-Secretase Inhibitor II• G-Secretase Inhibitor III• G-Secretase Inhibitor IV
• G-Secretase Inhibitor IX• G-Secretase Inhibitor V• G-Secretase Inhibitor VI
• G-Secretase Substrate, Fluorogenic• Gas Analyzer• Gas Chromatography
• Gas Chromatography Systems• Gel Dryer Vacuum System• Gel Electrophoresis Apparatus
• Glycogen Phosphorylase Inhibitor• Gradient Mixers• Gradient Pumps
• Gradient Thermal Cycler• Granzyme B Inhibitor I• Granzyme B Inhibitor II
• Granzyme B Inhibitor IV• Handheld Temperature Meter and Probes• Heating Circulator
• High Pressure Syringe Pump• Homogenizers• Horizontal Gel Electrophoresis Systems
• Hot Plate Magnetic Stirrer• Hot Plate Stirrers• HPLC / FPLC Detector Lamps
• HPLC Autosampler Syringes• HPLC Autosamplers• HPLC Detectors
• HPLC Pumps• HPLC Systems• HRP Western Blot Kit
• HT Protein Extraction Reagent• Humidity Controllers Digital• Hybridization Ovens
• Hydrogen Generators• Illuminators• Injection Valve
• Ion Chromatography Kits• Ion Chromatography Systems• Ion Conductivity Detectors
• Isocratic Pumps• Lab Devices Analytical Balances• Laboratory Centrifuges
• Laboratory Mixer• LB Agar• LB Broth
• Liquid Dispenser

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