Profile: Rishi Biotech offers bioinformatics solutions to the pha-rma, healthcare and biotech industries. Our services include protein production/expression, protein purification, protein characterization/modification/assay development, custom reagent production, custom peptide synthesis services, peptide synthesis reagents, peptide synthesizers, 2-d gel electrophoresis, bimolecular interaction monitoring, membrane protein analysis systems, membrane protein identification & quantitation kits, protein electrophoresis, protein sequencing, autoradiography, elisa, prey/bait protein interaction detection, protease inhibitors, protein detection assays, protein microarrays, reporter gene assays, reporter gene extraction, baculovirus systems, expression cloning kits, expression induction, expression vectors, expression/purification systems, gene expression constructs, gene specific expression kits, in vitro transcription/translation, lysogenization kits, peptide library synthesis kits and protease inhibitors.