Address: 9885 Mesa Rim Road, Suite 101, San Diego, California 92121, USA
https://moleculardepot.com |
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Phone: +1-(858)-900-3210
Molecular Depot LLC specialize in the development of research tools and biochemicals. Our products include specialty bacterial culture media, antibodies & antigens, enzymes & proteins, chemical compou
Address: 808 Salem Wood Drive, Suite 103, Raleigh, North Carolina 27615-3345, USA
www.ofnisystems.com |
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Phone: +1-(919)-844-2494
Ofni Systems Inc. is a computer service and software company. We help companies address the opportunities present in 21 CFR Part 11, electronic records and electronic signatures. We offer proven softw
Address: 46501 Landing Parkway, Fremont, California 94538, USA
www.golighthouse.com |
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Phone: +001-(510)-438-0500
Lighthouse Worldwide Solutions is a supplier of real time contamination monitoring systems and airborne particle counters. We offer a complete line of contamination monitoring solutions that include a
Address: 6806 Fallsbrook Court, Granit Bay, California 95746, USA
www.gmplabeling.com |
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Phone: +001-(916)-771-4000
GMP Labeling Inc. supplies labels, signs and software that helps to identify components, pilot batches, raw materials, in-process materials, and areas in the laboratory & in production. We offer produ
Address: 38 Miller Avenue, PMB 170, Mill Valley, California 09494, USA
www.stark-smo.com |
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Phone: +001-(415)-888-3700
Stark-Smo is a site management organization. We specialize in compassionate use studies, humanitarian use devices, humanitarian device exemptions, early access programs, orphan drugs, research program
Address: 1109 Grayson Way, Milpitas, California 95035-3370, USA
www.smpd.com |
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Phone: +001-(408)-942-1056
Surface Mount Product Development(SMPD) provides ISO-9000 software products and services for small to medium size companies. We offer a series of software solutions for companies to automate the recor
Address: POB 781, San Pedro, California 90733, USA
www.eSubmissionTech.com |
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Phone: +001-(310)-279-7776
eSubmission Tech deals with electronic data, specializing in the regulatory submission process. We offer publishing services for eCTD submissions to CDER, CBER and CDRH.
Address: P.O. Box 2328, Santa Maria, California 93457, USA
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Phone: +001-(805)-937-5383
Software Certification Institute provides consulting services in preparing proposals, plans and procedures utilizing systems engineering techniques such as systems engineering, configuration managemen
Address: 6161 Blue Lagoon Dr., Waterford, Suite 340, Miami, Florida 33126, USA
www.ashvinsgroup.com |
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Phone: +001-(305)-264-4442
Ashvins Group Inc., develop & deliver software and data management projects related to clinical diagnostics, medical device, drug discovery & biotechnology markets. We also offer full life cyclesoftwa
Address: 333 Pfingsten Road, Northbrook, Illinois 60062-2096, USA
www.ul.com |
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Phone: +1-(847)-272-8800
Underwriters Laboratories Inc. offers complete registration services for ISO 14001, ISO 9000 and QS 9000. We register more facilities to the ISO 9000 quality assurance standards.
Address: 2001 West Main Street, Greenfield, Indiana 46140, USA
Phone: +001-(317)-655.1111
Scienteur Corporation facilitate the business of science and technology by connecting resources with needs, independent of organizational boundaries.
Address: TUV Industry Service, 5 Cherry Hill Drive, Danvers, Massachusetts 1923, USA
www.tuvglobal.com |
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Phone: +1-(800)-888-0123
TÜV specializes in interdisciplinary project and system solutions supplied to the chemical, process industry and plant operators. Our certified product safety and quality delivers benefits in two key
Address: 35 South Street, Hopkinton, Massachusetts 01748, USA
www.velquest.com |
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Phone: +001-(508)-497-9911
VelQuest Corporation develops & delivers products to transform regulated industries from labor-intensive, paper-based operations to automated & fully integrated informatics systems. Our Velquest smart
Address: 14 Schoolhouse Road, Somerset, New Jersey 08873, USA
www.cardinal.com/pts |
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Phone: +001-(732)-537-6200
Cardinal Health offers technologies & services to the pharmaceutical, biotechnology and consumer healthcare industry. We offer softgel technology, fast dissolve technologies, modified-release technolo
Address: 505 King Ave., Columbus, Ohio 43201, USA
www.battelle.org |
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Phone: +001-(614)-424-5853
Battelle Memorial Institute focuses on advanced materials, agrifood, consumer products, energy, environment, health & life sciences, industrial products, medical devices, national security, pharmaceut
Address: 135 Chesterfield Lane, Suite 201, Maumee, Ohio 43537, USA
www.crsregistrars.com |
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Phone: +1-(419)-861-1689
CRS Registrars, Inc. is a quality management and environmental management registrar. Our operations are accredited through the national accreditation program for registrars administered by ANSI and th
Address: 177 North Commerce Way, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania 18017, USA
www.focus-lab.com |
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Phone: +1-(610)-866-7272
FOCUS Laboratories offers consulting/laboratory service to design, implementation and conduct of environmental monitoring programs & compendial microbiological testing. Our environmental monitoring pr
Address: 603 Countyline Rd., Huntingdon Valley, Pennsylvania 19006, USA
www.cimquest.com |
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Phone: +001-(610)-363-0422
CimQuest-Vantage LLC has provides a variety of compliance services to the life sciences industry. We focus on mock FDA inspections/assessments, risk based approaches, systems selection/configuration &
Address: 501 Commerce Drive, NE, Columbia, South Carolina 29223, USA
www.aqausa.com |
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Phone: +1-(800)-281-4384
AQA International is accredited by ANSI-RAB and RvA to register companies to ISO 9000, QS9000, AS9000. The EMS accreditation is by ANSIRAB. We are authorized by IATE to issue registration to ISO/TS 16
Address: ABS Plaza, 16855 Northchase Drive, Houston, Texas 77060, USA
www.abs-qe.com |
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Phone: +1-(281)-673-2843
ABS Quality Evaluations is accredited by ANSI-RAB and ACC to certify companies to RC 14001 for the chemical industry. We contribute to the development of industryies, national, & international standar
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