
Nag Research Laboratories, Inc.

Contact: Bishwajit Nag - President and CEO
Address: Bayside Technology Park, 46500 Fremont Blvd, # 706, Fremont, California 94538, USA
Phone: +1-(510)-770-1175, 825-5760 | Fax: +1-(510)-770-1635 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: Nag Research Laboratories, Inc. is a biotechnology and pharmaceutical company. We are engaged in developing proprietary novel kits and reagents utilized by biotechnology & pharmaceutical industries in the field of electrophoresis, electroblotting, protein biochemistry and molecular biology. UltraFAST™ silver staining kit is a silver staining system for detecting proteins in polyacrylamide gels. Staining can detect nanogram quantities of proteins. These are applicable for various 1D and 2D mini or regular size gels. It contains reagents for 24 mini and 12 regular size gels. It comes with a special surface staining tray with lid. We develop new products for various bacterial, viral and fungal infections. HIV-1/2 triline card tests is a rapid qualitative immunoassay based on the immuno chromatographic principle for the detection of HIV -1/2 antibodies in human serum or plasma. The test employs lateral flow immuno-chromatographic type assay. The test device consists of sample window containing a reagent releasing pad. The reagent releasing pad is held in contact with the porous membrane material. The membrane has four zones. The first zone is mobile and it is at the sample window and it consists of colored colloidal gold particles sensitized to HIV-antigen. We also offer a wide range of drug development services. Our focus is in the areas of diabetes, obesity, rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, psoriasis, other autoimmune diseases, multiple sclerosis and cancer. Our services include animal models, cell based assays, scanning electron microscopy, general toxicology studies, pharmacokinetics studies in rodents and analytical services. We develop Ultra-Fast-One-Step quantitative detection kits for clinical chemistry applications. These kits are useful in detecting quantitative measurements for clinical laboratories for human blood/serum/urine samples.

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• 10X Denatured Transfer Buffer• 10X Native Transfer Buffer• 10X Striping Buffer
• 10X Tris-Glycine Transfer Buffer• 2X Tris-Borate EDTA Sample Buffer• 2X Tris-Glycine Native Sample Buffer
• 2X Tris-Glycine SDS Sample Buffer• 2X Tris-Tricine SDS Sample Buffer• Albumin Detection Kit
• Albumin-Based Blocking Agent• Alkaline Phosphate Test Kit• ALT (SGOT) Assay Kit
• Amido Black Stain-Destain• AST (SGPT) Assay Kit• Bilirubin Detection Kit
• Binding Staining Trays• Blocking Buffer for Western Blot• BUN (GLDH) Assay Kit
• Calcium Detection Kit• Carcino Embryonic Antigen(CEA) Card Test• Casein-Based Blocking Agent
• Cell-based Assays• Chemiluminescent Substrate Kit• Chikungunya IgM/IgG Spot Test
• Chloride Estimation Kit• Cholesterol Estimation Kits• Clinical Chemistry Test Kits
• Colored Protein Markers• Coomassie Stain• Creatinine Detection Kit
• Dengue IgM/IgG Card Test• Densitometers• DNA Markers I
• DNA Markers II• DNA Mass Marker• Drug Discovery System Designing Services
• Drug Discovery Technologies• Electrophoresis Buffers• Gel Air Drying System
• Gel Analzer Software• Gel Rocker & Shaker• Gel Scanner
• Gelatin-Based Blocking Agent• Glucose Estimation Kits• HbsAg Card/Strip Tests
• hCG Card Test• hCG Strip Test• HCV Card Test
• HCV ELISA• HDL Cholesterol Assay Kit• Hemoglobin A1C Detection Kit
• Hemoglobin Assay Kits• Hepatitis Test Kits• Hi-Lo DNA Marker
• High Molecular Weight Markers• HIV 1&2 Test Kits• HIV-1/2 Spot Tests
• HIV-1/2 Triline Card Tests• Human HBsAg ELISA Kits• LDL Cholesterol Assay Kit
• LH Card Test• Liver Enzymes Test Kits• Lo DNA Marker
• Low Molecular Weight Markers• Luminescent Substrate Kit• Micro Protein Assay Kit
• Mid Molecular Weight Markers• Mid Range Precise Western Blot Marker• Molecular Weight Markers
• Molecular Weight Markers, DNA• Molecular Weight Markers, Protein• New Drug Discovery
• P.f/P.V Antibody Card Test• P.f/P.v Antigen Card Test• Peroxidase Labeled IGg Human
• Peroxidase Labeled IGg Mouse• Peroxidase Labeled IGg Rabbit• Phosphate Buffered Saline (PBS) (Solution)
• Phosphorous Assay Kit• Pre-Clinical Drug Discovery Services• Pregnancy Test Kits
• Prostate Specific Antigen(PSA) Card Test• Protein Assay Kits• Protein Quantitation Kits
• Quantitative Detection Kits• Rapid Diagnostics Test kits• Ready-Mix Gel Solution
• Reversible Blotting Stains• rProtein Color Markers• Scanning Electron Microscopy
• SEM (Scanning Electron)• Silver Staining Kits• Staining-Destaining Trays
• Syphilis Card Test• TB Card Test• Temperature-Activated Protein Silver Staining Syst...
• Total Cholesterol Assay Kit• Total Protein Assay Kit• Transfer Buffers
• Triglyceride/FFA Test Kits

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