13 suppliers
Address: 227 West Maple Ave, Monrovia, California 91016, USA
www.radnoti.com |
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Phone: +1-(626)-357 8827
Radnoti Glass Technology Inc. focuses on isolated tissue and isolated organ research.Our product line comprises of isolated heart system, isolated organ systems, isolated tissue bath systems, micro my
Address: 9885 Mesa Rim Road, Suite 101, San Diego, California 92121, USA
https://moleculardepot.com |
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Phone: +1-(858)-900-3210
Molecular Depot LLC specialize in the development of research tools and biochemicals. Our products include specialty bacterial culture media, antibodies & antigens, enzymes & proteins, chemical compou
Address: A. Daigger & Company, 620 Lakeview Parkway, Vernon Hills, Illinois 60061, USA
www.daigger.com |
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Phone: +1-(800)-621-7193, 847-816-5060
Daigger offers lab equipments and supplies. Our products include disposable paperboard jars, air-jacketed incubators, polarizing microscope, gravity & forced convection oven. We offer flasks, innocula
Address: 26 Parkridge Road, Ward Hill, Massachusetts 01835, USA
www.alfa.com |
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Phone: +1-(978)-521-6300
Alfa Aesar manufactures fine chemicals, metals, & materials for pharmaceutical companies, academic institutions and electronics manufacturers. Our product line consists of a comprehensive range of ino
Address: 3050 Spruce St, St. Louis, Missouri 63103, USA
www.sigmaaldrich.com |
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Phone: +001-(800)-325-3010
Sigma-Aldrich Corp. is a Life Science and High Technology company. We focus on biochemical & organic chemical products & kits that are used in scientific & genomic research, biotechnology, pharmaceuti
Address: One Riverfront Plaza, Corning, New York 14831, USA
www.corning.com |
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Phone: +1-(607)-974-9000
Corning Incorporated manufactures technologies which contributes to environment and life science. Our environment technology contributes by making cleaner, healthier air to breath. Our life science he
Address: One Cantiague Rd., P.O. Box 1019, Westbury, New York 11590-0207, USA
www.brinkmann.com |
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Phone: +001-(800)-645-3050
Brinkmann Instruments supplies a wide range of laboratory products that includes water/wastewater systems, laboratory instruments, process systems & equipment, and pumps. We offer centrifuges, distill
Address: 819 East St., Fairport Harbor, Ohio 44077, USA
www.qsiquartz.com |
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Phone: +001-(440)-354-2186
Quartz Scientific, Inc. manufactures quartz products for a range of laboratory uses. We offer specialized high purity fused quartz products for crystal growing and wafer process handling for the semic
Address: 881 Callendar Blvd., Painesville Twp., Ohio 44077, USA
www.technicalglass.com |
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Phone: +001-(440)-639-6399
Technical Glass Products Inc. offer labware, flat stock, rod, and tubing. we offer machined quartz, ground & polished plates, ground & polished discs, microscope slides, cover slips, optical propertie
Address: 10311 Westpark Dr., Houston, Texas 77042, USA
www.ruska.com |
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Phone: +001-(713)-975-0547
Ruska Instrument Corp. manufactures precision laboratory instrumentation. We provide instrumentation for fluid phase behavior studies, oil reservoir engineering studies, pressure-volume-temperature sy
Address: 83 Holly Court, Williston, Vermont 05495, USA
www.laddresearch.com |
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Phone: +001-(800)-451-3406
Ladd Research Industries offers products for electron microscopy laboratories. We supply products for TEM & SEM, including grids, formvar & carbon support films, glutaraldehyde, embedding resins, merc
Address: Parc Científic de Barcelona (PCB) - Baldiri i Reixac 4 - 8, Torre I, Barcelona - España 08028, Spain
ddbiolab.com |
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Phone: +34-(902)-333 310
DD Biolab S.L. specializes in providing cell culture, molecular biology, serology and immunology products. We offer petri dishes, tissue grinders, dual poly grinders, and homogenizers. Micro grinders
Address: 9,Sadhana, A-Wing, 10th Road, Khar (West), Mumbai, Maharashtra 400 052, India
www.spectrum-labomed.com |
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Phone: +91-(0)-9869059349
Spectrum Marketing specializes in Pathology and Blood Bank instruments & accessories. We offer microsyringes for GC / HPLC, ultrasonic cleaner, ultraviolet viewing cabinet & transilluminator, and micr
13 Mortars & Pestles suppliers