Address: 480 S. Democrat Road, Gibbstown, New Jersey 08027, USA
www.emdchemicals.com |
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Phone: +001-(856)-423-6300
Emd Chemicals Inc. supplies pigments for coatings, packaging, plastics, automotive, and printing applications. We are an ISO 9001:2000 certifid company. We offer chemicals for physical vapor depositio
Address: 7998 Georgetown Road Suite 1000, Indianapolis, Indiana 46268, USA
www.seradyn.com |
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Phone: +001-(800)-428-4072
Seradyn, Inc. provides innovative solutions for the medical, diagnostic, and life science companies. We focus on a range of therapeutic drugs that monitor homogeneous immunoassays, which utilizes mult
Address: 25 Controls Dr, Shelton, Connecticut 06468, USA
www.milestonesci.com |
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Phone: +001-(203)-925-4240
Milestone Inc. supplies advanced microwave platforms for sample preparation requirements. We offer solutions for a broad range of techniques that include microwave-accelerated digestion, extraction, a
Address: Churchmans Center 11A Parkway Circle, New Castle, Delaware 19720, USA
Phone: +001-(302)-326-0433
Colibri Robotics manufactures a range of products that include rearraying workstations, replicating devices, robotic DNA sample preparation, microarray, microwell plate based technologies, automated l
Address: 4368 Enterprise St., Fremont, California 94538, USA
www.smithdental.com |
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Phone: +001-(510)-490-8999
Smith Companies Tech Products manufactures X-ray film processor products and dental lab equipment. We offer disinfecting chamber, shade matching system, dual media sandblaster and three chamber sandbl
Address: P.O. Box 8585, St. Louis, Missouri 63126, USA
www.unitedlabplastics.com |
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Phone: +001-(636)-343-2202
United Laboratory Plastics manufactures laboratory supplies and equipment. Our products include pipet tips, centrifuge tubes, gloves, timers, micro centrifuges, refrigerators, incubators, pipettors, a
Address: 727 Second Street, Hudson, Wisconsin 54016, USA
www.norlake.com |
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Phone: +001-(800)-477-5253
Nor-Lake, Incorporated design & manufactures a complete line of refrigeration and environmental storage equipment. We offer laboratory & pharmacy refrigerators and freezers, blood bank refrigerators &
Address: 101 Witmer Road, Suite 700, Horsham, Pennsylvania 19044, USA
www.labrepco.com |
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Phone: +001-(877)-542-7372
Labrepco Inc. provides life science laboratory equipment solutions. We offer cell culture/tissue culture equipment, cold storage equipment, biological safety/laminar flow & fume hoods, washing & steri
Address: 14395 Bergen Boulevard, Noblesville, Indiana 46060, USA
www.helmerinc.com |
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Phone: +001-(317)-773-9073
Helmer, Inc. manufactures a range of products that include refrigerators, freezers, platelet storage system, plasma thawing system, centrifuges, and cell washing products. We also offer blood bank ref
Address: 650 East Erie Ave., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19134, USA
www.gemrefrigeratorcompany.com |
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Phone: +001-(215)-426-8700
Gem Refrigerator Co. manufactures a complete line of food service & floral refrigerators and freezers along with custom walk-in refrigerators & freezer combinations. We offer food service refrigerator
Address: 600 Business Center Drive, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15205, USA
www.fishersci.com |
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Phone: +001-(800)-955-1177
Fisher Scientific provides products and services to the scientific community. We offer products & services in biochemicals, cell-culture media and proprietary RNAi technology to rapid-diagnostic tests
Address: 4412 Tryon Road, Raleigh, North Carolina 27606-4218, USA
www.eschambers.com |
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Phone: +1-(919)-829-6074
Bahnson Environmental Specialties, LLC. manufactures a diverse product line of controlled environment chambers for research, development and manufacturing processes. Our product line includes modular
Address: 1724 A Westpark Center, Fenton, Missouri 63026, USA
www.biocoldscientific.com |
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Phone: +001-(636)-349-1331
Bio Cold Scientific Inc. designs & manufactures laboratory and chromatography refrigerators, freezers, large capacity reach-in incubator/stability chambers & environmental rooms & chambers. We offer b
Address: 2228 Page Road, #103, Durham, North Carolina 27703, USA
www.advantagebundlingsp.com |
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Phone: +001-(919)-724-4010
Advantage Bundling SP, LLC offers quality apparatus, disposable laboratory supplies, safety products and laboratory equipment that include capital equipment & furniture. Our products inlude autoclaves
Address: 5951 Clearwater Dr, Minnetonka, Massachusetts 55343, USA
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Phone: +001-(952)-988-6665
GE Water & Process Technologies provides water treatment, wastewater treatment and process systems solutions. Our solutions include boiler water treatment, chlor-alkali chemical production, cooling wa
Address: 1519 Yorkshire Drive, Richardson, Texas 75082-4714, USA
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Phone: +001-(972)-234-6612
Nica International Corporation manufactures various products used in chromatography including fittings, valves, and fraction collectors.
Address: 1205 Sarah St. Suite 171, Longwood, Florida 32750, USA
Phone: +001-(407)-585-1720
Kvb manufactures various products like encompasses storage bottles and containers, graduated cylinders, flasks, beakers, pitchers & burettes. We also supply racks, microscope slide boxes, laboratory t
Address: P.O. box 2128, Terre Haute, Indiana 47802-0128, USA
www.glascol.com |
Phone: +001-(812)-235-6167
Glas-Col, LLC manufactures laboratory products and industrial heating & mixing technology. We are an ISO 9001:2000 certified company. We offer micro-expression shaker, inhalation exposure system, larg
Address: 6565 P Davis Industrial Parkway, Solon, Ohio 44139, USA
www.raihome.com |
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Phone: +001-(440)-914-1261
Rosemount Analytical supplies products, services, and solutions that measure, analyze, control, automate, & improve process-related operations. We offer an array of process-automation products. We off
Address: Dpt. 23 P.O. Box 1125, South Lancaster, Massachusetts 01561, USA
www.davincibiomed.com |
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Phone: +001-(978)-368-3477
Davinci Biomedical Research Products, Inc. offers a full range of model development & research services for preclinical testing of medical devices and test articles including chronic & acute pharmacok