
Krackeler Scientific Inc.

Address: P.O. Box 1849, Albany, New York 12201, USA
Phone: +001-(518)-462-4281 | Fax: +001-(518)-462-6011 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: Krackeler Scientific Inc. supplies a wide range of quality scientific products. We offer air monitoring system, autoanalyzer cups, autoclaves, balances, baths, beakers, blenders, bottles, buffers, burets, burners, cell culture media, cell scrapers, centrifuge, gas chromatography, high performance liquid chromatography, Thin layer chromatography, circulators & chillers, clamps, closures & caps, condensers, coolers, counting devices, crucibles, cryogenic storage, cuvettes, cylinders, desiccants, dispensers, electrodes & probes, evaporators, flowmeters, fluorimeter, grinders/mills and homogenizers. We also provide total procurement solutions such as prime vendor, stockroom services, third party purchasing & delivery and storage services.

66 Products/Services (Click for related suppliers)  
• Adjustable Volume• Autoclaves• Bacterial Growth Media
• Bacterial Transformation Kit• BBF Loading Dye• Biotech Device, Cell Scrapers
• Blood PCR Kits• Capillary Chromatography Columns• Centrifuges, Benchtop
• Constant Temperature Baths• Crystallization Basic Kit for Proteins• Crystallization Extension Kit for Proteins
• Crystallization Kit for Membrane Proteins• DNA Digest Markers• DNA Ladder Markers
• DNA Modification Enzymes• DNA Whole Blood Kit• DNA-RNA Transcription Regulators
• Dry Heat Baths• Freeze Dryers / Lyophilizers• Freezers, Ultra Low
• Furnaces, Laboratory• GenEluteT Endotoxin-free Plasmid Midiprep Kit• GenEluteT Mammalian Total RNA Miniprep Kit
• GenEluteT mRNA Miniprep Kit• Hot Plates• HP Plasmid DNA Kits
• Human Nuclear Transport Factor 2• Hybridization Buffer• Lab Devices Analytical Balances
• M13 Cloning Vectors• Mammalian Genomic DNA Miniprep Kit• Mouse Anti-Coilin Monoclonal Antibody
• Mouse Anti-Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen Mono...• Multi-channel Pipettors• Nuclear Translocation Regulators
• Nuclear Transport Proteins• pH Meters• PhasePrepT BAC DNA Kit
• Plant Genomic DNA Miniprep Kit• Plant PCR Kit• Plasmid Giga Kit
• Plasmid Miniprep Kit• Positive HCD Membrane• Power Supplies & Monitors
• Preparative Columns• Protein Extraction Reagents• Random-Primed Labeling Mixes
• Red Protein A Affinity Gel• Reverse Osmosis• RNA Modification Enzymes
• RNA-Protein Translation Inhibitors• RPMI 1640 without L Glutamine• Shakers
• Stirrers• T3 RNA Polymerase• Terminal Deoxynucleotidyl Transferase
• Tissue PCR Kit• Tris Acetate-EDTA Buffer• Ultrasonic Equipment, Cleaning
• Vortexers• Whole Blood Genomic DNA Purification Kit• Whole Cell Yeast PCR Kit
• Yeast Cell Lysis Kit• Yeast Spheroplast Transformation Kit• Yeast Transformation Kits

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