Address: 940 Winter Street, Watham, Massachusetts 02118-251, USA
lifesciences.perkinelmer.com |
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Phone: +001-(203)-925-4602, 800-762-4000
PerkinElmer Life and Analytical Sciences Inc. develops and delivers research & diagnostic instrumentation technologies, clinical resources & support services. We focus on cellular research, drug disco
Address: 1180 East Ellsworth Road, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48108, USA
www.caymanchem.com |
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Phone: +001-(800)-364-9897, 734-971-3335
Cayman Chemical Company manufactures quality biochemical reagents, assay kits, enzymes & antibodies for the advancement of human and veterinary health care. We offer a range of excellent biochemicals
Address: 2233 University Ave. W., St. Paul, Minnesota 55114-1629, USA
www.lktlabs.com |
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Phone: +1-(651)-644-8424
LKT Laboratories, Inc. is a research and development company. We focus on discovering special chemicals for cancer chemoprevention. We produce and distribute chemicals and biochemicals for all types o
Address: 3050 Spruce St, St. Louis, Missouri 63103, USA
www.sigmaaldrich.com |
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Phone: +001-(800)-325-3010
Sigma-Aldrich Corp. is a Life Science and High Technology company. We focus on biochemical & organic chemical products & kits that are used in scientific & genomic research, biotechnology, pharmaceuti
Address: 5120 Butler Pike, Plymoth Meeting, Pennsylvania 19462-1132, USA
www.biomol.com |
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Phone: +001-(610)-941-0430
Enzo Life Sciences International, Inc. offers enzymes, enzyme inhibitors, substrates, peptides, antibodies, assay systems, and biochemicals with applications in signal transduction, lipid research, ap
Address: 706 Forest Street, Charlottesville, Virginia 22903, USA
www.upstate.com |
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Phone: +001-(434)-975 4300
Upstate Group LLC develops and delivers innovative cell signaling products. We offer KinaseProfiler™, selectivity screening service and Beadlyte® Multiplex detection kits for the Luminex&tra
Address: 1600 Bellwood Road, Richmond, Virginia 23237, USA
www.wakousa.com |
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Phone: +001-(877)-714-1924
Wako Chemicals USA, Inc. supplies a wide range of clinical diagnostic reagents, bioproducts and specialty chemicals. We offer bilirubin direct, bilirubin total, CETP, free cholesterol, cholesterol HDL
Address: Tocris House, IO Centre, Moorend Farm Avenue, Avonmouth, Bristol BS11 0QL, United Kingdom
www.tocris.com |
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Phone: +44-(1235)-529449, 0800 373415
The Tocris Bioscience range contains over 3,500 products, from the very latest exclusive research tools to established biochemical standards. Our primary offerings include Neurochemicals, Signal Trans
Address: 150 Zabolotnogo, Kyiv, Ukraine 03143, Ukraine
www.otavachemicals.com |
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Phone: +380-(44)-5222458
Kinase, inhibitor, docking, focused library, targeted library, active compounds, biological activity, screening, lead discovery, drug development, inhibitor, Death-Associated Protein Kinase 2,DAPK-2,