 Shakers, Rotating Suppliers > GE Healthcare

GE Healthcare

Address: 800 Centennial Avenue, PO Box 1327, Piscataway, New Jersey 08855-1327, USA
Phone: +001-(732)-457-8000, 800-526-3593 | Fax: +001-(877)-295-8102 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: GE Healthcare provides transformational medical technologies and services to the institutions engaged in patient care. We offer technologies & solutions for cardiology, anesthesia delivery, oncology, orthopedics, medical diagnostics, surgery, densitometry, tomography, mammography and life science. We have introduced a new category of solutions called Clinical Information Logistics™ that help caregivers make better and faster choices in the care of patients world-wide. We offer emergency medicine, products for maternal-infant care, life support systems, and diagnostic cardiology solutions for electrocardiography, exercise testing, Holter monitoring, de-fibrillation & data management tools. We also deliver kits for protein purification for lab research, process development & manufacturing, protein concentration & diafiltration, and protein sample preparation.

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• PMSF• Polaroid Luminometer Cameras• Poly A
• Poly C• Poly dA• Poly dC
• Poly dT (Oligo dT Primers)• Poly I Poly C• Poly U
• Poly(A) Polymerase• Polynucleotide DNA Duplexes• Powder Yeast Extract
• Powdered Terrific Broth• Power Supplies• Prostaglandin Analogs
• Protein A• Protein A Affinity Medias• Protein A Gold
• Protein A HP Spintrap&Trade;• Protein A S35 Labeled• Protein Analysis
• Protein Analysis Systems• Protein Bases• Protein G
• Protein Kinases• Protein Purification Kits• Protein Quantitation Kits
• Proteinase K• Pulse Field Lab Devices• PVDF Blotting Rolls
• PVDF Blotting Sheets• PVDF Membrane• Pyrophosphatase
• Radiation Shield• Rat Chemokine ELISA Kits• Rat ECM ELISA Kits
• Rat Interferon ELISA Kits• Receptor Binding Assays• Recombinant DNAse I (RNase Free)
• Restriction Enzymes• Reverse Phase Columns• Reverse Phase Media
• Reverse Transcriptase Assay• RNase A• RNase H
• RNase Inhibitors• Sample Preparation Cartridges• Sarcosine
• Sequenase• Sequencing Gel Mixes• Sequencing Reagent Kits
• Sequencing Software• Serum Protein Purification Kits• Shrimp Alkaline Phosphatase
• SI Nuclease• Silver Enhancement Staining• Silver Staining Kits
• Size Exclusion Columns• Size Exclusion Gravity Columns• Size Exclusion Microplates
• Size Exclusion Spin Columns• SP6 RNA Polymerase• Spectrophotometers
• Spectrophotometers• Sphingomyelinase Assay Kits• Supported Nitrocellulose Discs
• Supported Nitrocellulose Membrane• Supported Nitrocellulose Rolls• Supported Nitrocellulose Sheets
• T3 RNA Polymerase• T4 DNA Ligases• T4 DNA Polymerase
• T4 Kinases• T4 RNA Ligases• T7 DNA Polymerase
• T7 Gene 6 Exonuclease• T7 RNA Polymerase• TE Buffer
• Template Amplification Kits• Template Primers• Terminal Deoxynucleotidyl Transferase
• TES Buffers• Thermal Printer Paper• Thrombin Supplements
• Thymidine Uptake Assay Kits• Time of Flight Mass Spectrometers• Topoisomerase
• Tricine• Tris Acetate• Tris Base
• Tris Buffer• Triton X 100• Trypsin Inhibitors
• Trypsin Supplements• Tween 20• Two-Dimensional Devices
• Uracil N Glycosylase• UTP• UV Crosslinker
• UV Monitor Aids

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