 Linkage (Methylation) Analysis Suppliers > Express Biotech International

Express Biotech International

Address: 503 Gateway Drive West, Thurmont, Maryland 21788, USA
Phone: +001-(301)-228-2444 | Fax: +001-(301)-560-6570 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: Express Biotech International offers molecular, cell biology & immunology products and services to the bioscience research community. We offer teloexpress quantitative telomerase detection kit, lysis buffer for teloexpress kit, telomerase positive control cells, expressgene double strand cdna synthesis kit, express amp first strand cdna synthesis kit for pcr, acute phase proteins, amyloids, angiogenesis, apoptosis proteins, bacterial proteins, basement membrane, beta-trace, blood coagulation proteins, blood coagulation proteins, carrier proteins, cd antigens, cell adhesion, cytokines & growth factors, cytoskeletal proteins, dna binding proteins, enzyme inhibitors and enzymes.

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• 6xHis Tagged p24 protein Antigen• Animal ID• Anti-SIV p28 Antibody Unlabeled
• Antibodies, DNA• Antibody Labeling• Bacteria Genomic DNA Isolation Kit
• Blood Cagualtion Proteins• Bovine Pancreatic Trypsin Inhibitor, Aprotinin• Bovine Vimentin
• Calmodulin Binding Domain• Capture Nickle Chelate ELISA Plates, Clear 384 wel...• Capture Nickle Chelate ELISA Plates, Clear 96 well...
• cDNA Subtraction• cDNA Synthesis• Cell Surface Molecules
• Centrifuges, Micro• Cilia-Associated Respiratory Bacillus (CARB) Antig...• Custom Micro Array Chip Fabrication Services
• Cytokines• Cytokines• DNA Sequencing Services
• E. coli RecA Protein• E. coli RuvA Protein• E. coli RuvB Protein
• E. coli RuvC Protein• Ectromelia Virus (Ectro) Antigen, Poxvirus• Elisa Assay Design
• Epizootic Diarrhea of Infant Mice (EDIM) Antigen, ...• EZ-Blood DNA 96 Purification Kit• EZ-Blood RNA 96 Purification Kit
• EZ-DNA 96 Purification Kit• EZ-RNA 96 Purification Kit• Gene Expression Services
• Genomic DNA• Glial Filament Protein• HEK 293 Host Cell Proteins
• Helicobacter Hepaticus Elisa Kit for Mouse• HIV-1 M/T Tropic Envelope Glycoproteins• Human Alpha-2 Microglobulin Protein
• Human Complement Component C1q• Human Cytokeratin 8• Human Fragile Histidine Triad
• Human Heat Shock Protein 20• Human Heat Shock Protein 20, human, recombinant• Human Heat Shock Protein 22
• Human Heat Shock Protein 22, human, recombinant• Human Heat Shock Protein 27• Human Heat Shock Protein 27, human, recombinant
• Human Heat Shock Protein 70• Human Heat Shock Protein 90• Human Heat Shock Protein 90 (HSP 90)
• Human Heat Shock Proteins (HSP)• Human Hepatocyte Growth Factor (HGF) ELISA Kit• Human High Density Lipoprotein
• Human Keratin 8• Human Liver Ferritin• Human Myoglobin
• Human Vimentin• Immunostaining• Influenza A Antigen, Orthomyhxovirus
• Influenza A Caledonia Antigen, Orthomyhxovirus• Influenza B Jiangsu Antigen, Orthomyhxovirus• Kilham Rat Virus Antigen, Parvovirus
• Library Construction• Library Construction• Library Screening
• Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis Virus (LCM) Antigen, ...• Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis Virus (LCM) Mouse ELI...• MHV Negative Control Antigen
• Microarrays, cDNA• Minute Virus of Mice (MVM) Antigen, Parvovirus• Minute Virus of Mouse (MVM) ELISA Kit
• Mouse Adenovirus FL/K87 Antigen, Adenovirus• Mouse Anti Myelin Oligodendrocyte Glycoprotein• Mouse Cytomegalo virus (MCMV) ELISA Kit
• Mouse Ectromelia Virus ELISA Kit• Mouse Epizootic Diarhea of Infant Mice (EDIM) ELIS...• Mouse Hepatitus Virus (MHV) Antigen, Coronavirus
• Mouse Parvovirus (MPV), VP2 ELISA Kit• Mouse Polyoma ELISA Kit• Mycoplasma Pulmonis/M Arthriditis - Mouse ELISA Ki...
• nexttecT Genomic DNA Isolation Kit from Bacteria i...• nexttecT Genomic DNA Isolation Kit from Buccal Swa...• Plasmid DNA Isolation Kit from Bacteria (E. coli)
• Pnemonia Virus of Mouse (PVM) ELISA Kit• Pneumonia Virus of Mice (PVM) Antigen, Pneumovirus• Polyoma (Poly) Antigen, Papovirus
• Porcine Enteropeptidase/Enterokinase• Porcine Tubulin• Pregnant Mare Serum Gonadotropin
• Rat KRV Elisa Kit• Receptor Associated Protein, rat, recombinant• Recombinant Bacterial Outer Membrane Protein-A
• Recombinant Batroxobin• Recombinant Beta Lactamase• Recombinant Borrelia p41
• Recombinant Chlamydia Trachomatis HSP1 Protein• Recombinant Chlamydia Trachomatis HSP2 Protein• Recombinant Chlamydia Trachomatis PGP3-D Protein
• Recombinant Chlamydia Trachomatis W2 Protein

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