
Cayman Chemical Company

Address: 1180 East Ellsworth Road, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48108, USA
Phone: +001-(800)-364-9897, 734-971-3335 | Fax: +001-(734)-971-3640 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: Cayman Chemical Company manufactures quality biochemical reagents, assay kits, enzymes & antibodies for the advancement of human and veterinary health care. We offer a range of excellent biochemicals for research in cancer, inflammation, neurochemistry, nitric oxide, oxidative injury & endocrinology, together with eicosanoids, nitric oxide reagents, and a variety of related lipids, fatty acids, enzymes & antibodies. We specialize in assay kits for the measurement of eicosanoids, free radical bio-markers, cyclic nucleotides, cytokines, hormones, and nitric oxide.

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• HDAC7 Polyclonal Antibody• HDAC8 Polyclonal Antibody• HDAC9 Polyclonal Antibody
• HETE ELISA Kits• High Throughput ADME Screening Services• Histamine EIA Kits
• Hsp60 Monoclonal Antibody• Human AcSDKP EIA Kits• Human Angiotensin EIA Kits
• Human Apocytochrome c• Human CGRP EIA Kits• Human COX
• Human Cytochromes• Human Endothelin EIA Kits• Human Ghrelin
• Human Interleukin 1Alpha EIA Kit• Human Interleukin 1Beta EIA Kit• Human Interleukin 2 EIA Kit
• Human Interleukin 4 EIA Kit• Human Interleukin ELISA Kits• Human Leptin ELISA Kits
• Human Lipoxygenases• Human Plasma PAF AH Inhibitor Screening Assay Kits• Human Resistin ELISA Kits
• Human Tumor Necrosis Factor ELISA Kits• Hydrogen Peroxide Assay Kits• Immunoassays
• Inflammation• Inositol Phosphates• Isoprostane ELISA Kits
• Isotopically Labeled PAF• Kinase Inhibitors• L Lactate Dehydrogenase (L LDH)
• Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH)Cytotoxicity Assay Kits• Latanoprost & Analogs• Latanoprost ELISA / EIA Kits
• Leukotriene Analogs• Leukotriene B4 EIA Kit• Leukotriene ELISA Kits
• Leukotriene Inhibitors• Leukotriene Mass Spec Stds• Linoelaidic Acids
• Linoelic Acid Mass Spec Stds• Linoleic Acids• Lipid Hydroperoxide (LPO) Assay Kit
• Lipid Hyperoxide Assay Kits• Lipid Peroxidation Products• Lipooxygenase Inhibitors
• Lipoxygenase Inhibitor Screening Assay Kit• Liver X Receptor beta Transcription Factor Assay K...• LSD1 Inhibitor Screening Assay Kit
• LY294002• Microplates Anti Mouse Immunoglobulin G• Microplates Anti Rabbit Immunoglobulin G
• Miscellaneous Ceramides• Miscellaneous Lipids• Mixed Mode SPE Columns
• Modified Lipoproteins• Monoacylglycerol Lipase• Monoacylglycerol Lipase Inhibitor Screening Assay ...
• Monoacylglycerol Lipase Western Ready Control• Mouse Blocking Peptides• Mouse iNOS
• Mouse Resistin ELISA Kits• Mouse Sera• MTT Cell Proliferation Assay Kits
• Multiple Well Plates (Non Coated)• Neurochemicals• Neurotransmitters
• Nitrate Reductase• Nitrate/Nitrite Colorimetric Assay Kit• Nitrate/Nitrite Fluorometric Assay Kit
• Nitric Oxide Assay Kits• Nitric Oxide Assay Kits Reagents• Nitric Oxide Reagents
• Nitrite Assay Kits• NOS Assay Kits• NOS Inhibitors
• Nuclear Extraction Kits• Oleic Acid Analogs• Oleic Acids
• Ovine COX• Oxylipin Mass Spec Standards• Oxylipins
• P Glycoprotein Drug Interaction Assay Kits• p53 Mutant Rescuers• PAF Acetylhydrolase
• PAF Acetylhydrolase Assay Kits• PAF Acetylhydrolase Inhibitor Screening Assay Kits• PAF AH Inhibitor Screening Assay Kits
• PAF Analogs• PAF C 16 Analogs• PAF C 18 Analogs
• PAF Receptor Antagonists• Palmitic Acid Analogs• pCAF Histone Acetyltransferase
• Peroxidase Substrates (Chemiluminescent)• Peroxidase Substrates (Guaiacol)• Peroxidase Substrates (PPHP)
• Peroxidase Substrates (TMB)

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