
Active Motif

Address: 1914 Palomar Oaks Way, Suite 150, Carlsbad, California 92008, USA
Phone: +001-(760)-431 1263, 877-222-9543 | Fax: +001-(760)-431-1351 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: Active Motif develops & renders innovative cell biology based research tools & biocomputing resources that help researchers elucidate the function, regulation, and interactions of genes and their encoded proteins. Our products consist of antibodies, cell extracts, fluorescent dyes, recombinant proteins, and assay kits. Our ready-to-use extracts are ideal for use as positive controls in a variety of applications, including TransAM™, Gelshift and Supershift assays, Western blots, as well as a starting point for transcription factor purification. We also offer Ni-TED™ protein purification system, which is a versatile and powerful tool for isolating recombinant 6xHis-tagged proteins & peptides. Our recombinant proteins can be used in many biological applications with NFκB p50, NFκB p65, p53, c-Fos, c-Jun, c-Myc, CREB, and Sp1 proteins currently optimized for use in TransAM™ DNA-binding ELISA.

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• 3T3 Cell Lysates• 3T3 Nuclear Extract• 3T6 Swiss albino Nuclear Extract
• A-431 Nuclear Extract (EGF treated)• Acetyl-Histone H3 Polyclonal• Affinity Columns
• Albumin Blue Fluorescent Assay Kit• AML Activation Assay Kits• AMV Reverse Transcriptase
• Antibody Labeling Kits• Apoptosis• Apoptosis Reagents
• Assays, ELISA / EIA Immunoassays• Assays, Protein / DNA Interaction• Assays, Protein / Protein Interaction
• ATF 2 Activation Assay Kits• c Fos Activation Assay Kits• c Jun Activation Assay Kits
• c myc Assay Kits• c-Jun Polyclonal Antibody• C/EBP Assay Kits
• C2C12 Nuclear Extract• C2C12 Nuclear Extract (Differentiated)• Caspase-10 Polyclonal Ab
• Caspase-13 Polyclonal Antibody• Caspase-14 Monoclonal Antibody• Caspase-3 Polyclonal Ab
• CCF-STTG1 Nuclear Extract• CCRF-CEM Nuclear Extract• cDNA Selection & Isolation Kits
• Cell Lysates• Cell Signaling Assays• Cell-based Assays
• Cellular Fractionation Kit• ChariotT Protein Delivery Reagent• Chemically Competent Cells (Cloning)
• Chromatin Assembly Kit• Chromatin Immunoprecipitation Assays• Chromatin Shearing Kits
• COS-7 Nuclear Extract (CoCl2 treated)• COS-7 Nuclear Extract (IFNγ treated)• DNA Damage Assay Kits
• DNA Repair Protein ELISAs• Drosophila Nuclear Extract• Electrophoretic Mobility Shift Assays
• Electrophoretic Mobility Supershift Assays• ELISA, Antibiotics Media• ELK Assay Kits
• Estrogen Regulation Assay Kits• Extraction, RNA• F9 Nuclear Extract
• F9 Nuclear Extract (Retinoic Acid Treated)• Forkhead (Drosophila) Homolog 1 (rhabdomyosarcoma)...• GATA Assay Kits
• Gel Shift• GH3 Nuclear Extract• Glucocorticoid Receptor Activation Assay Kits
• Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate Dehydrogenase (GAPDH) A...• HAT Assay Kits• HDAC antibody
• HDAC1 Polyclonal Antibody• HDAC11 Polyclonal Antibody• HDAC3 Polyclonal Antibody
• HDAC4 Polyclonal Antibody• HDAC5 Polyclonal Antibody• HDAC6 Polyclonal Antibody
• HDAC7 Polyclonal Antibody• HDAC8 Polyclonal Antibody• Hela Core Histones
• HeLa Nuclear Extract• Hela Nuclear Extract (Anisomycin Treated)• HeLa Whole-Cell Extract (IL-1α Stimulated)
• HeLa Whole-Cell Extract (TNF-α Stimulated)• Hep G2 Cytoplasmic Extract• Hep G2 Nuclear Extract
• Hep G2 Nuclear Extract (Acetaldehyde treated)• Hepatocyte Nuclear Factors (HNF) Assay Kits• High Throughput Informatics
• Histone Deacetylase (HDAC) Assay Kits• Histone H3 Polyclonal Antibody• Histone Purification Kit
• HIV-inducing factor (HIF) Assay Kits• HL-60 Nuclear Extract• HSF1 Polyclonal Antibody
• HT-29 Nuclear Extract• Human Akt1 PKB Andalpha• Human Apoptosis ELISA Kits
• Human Bad ELISA Kits• Human Brain Nuclear Extract• Human Cell Line Nuclear Extracts
• Human CREB• Human Cytoplasmic Cell Extracts• Human Elf2Andalpha
• Human Genomics• Human Heart Nuclear Extract• Human IkBa ELISA Kits
• Human JAK1 ELISA Kits• Human Liver Nuclear Extract• Human Lung Nuclear Extract
• Human p53

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